Inscription Renens
Nyon 2024-2025
24-25 Inscription ! Moser : Allée des Moulins 16, 1274 Grens Marens : Rte du Stand 5, 1260 Nyon School Level Mother tangue ou non chinese Speaker Day & time…
Ecole International de Genève 2024-2025
Lieu Ecole Internationale de Genève 62, route de Chêne 1208 Genève 24-25 Inscription ! School Level Mother tangue ou non chinese Speaker Day & time Inscription Primary school Grade reception and…

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日内瓦公立学校课程时间Télécharger 代课老师时间表统计2024-2025

Examen YCT & HSK Organisateur Officiel
Official organizer exclusive of HSK exam (all levels) in French-speaking Switzerland

Time limit for payment: within 10 days after receipt of the bill. Tuition fees for private lessons: Please complete payment before the lesson. In case of cancellation or suspension,…
Journey to discover the roots – Sichuan Zigong Camp, July 14 day, exploration of ancient Chinese Buddhist art and handcrafted pottery.
On July 14, 2023, the weather was beautiful, and everyone welcomed a new day of the summer camp "Journey to Discover Chinese Roots" in Zigong under a rare and pleasant…

Splendid Opening of the 2023 “Voyage to Discover Chinese Roots” Summer Camp – Zigong Camp
On July 12, 2023, the 2023 "Voyage to Discover Chinese Roots" Summer Camp - Zigong Camp officially commenced in Zigong City. 35 young overseas Chinese descendants and accompanying leaders from…