credit card, payment, credit


  1. Time limit for payment: within 10 days after receipt of the bill.
  2. Tuition fees for private lessons: Please complete payment before the lesson.  
  3. In case of cancellation or suspension, a written notice should be given 48 hours in advance, otherwise the corresponding course fees will still be charged.
  4. In case of installment, the bank interest rate will be added to the bill.
  5. In case of delay of payment or non-payment after two reminders (30 days after receipt of the bill),
  6. A debt company will get involved in bill tracking.
  7. Tuition fees are non-refundable after 3 months dating from the start of the course.
  8. Payment possible in bank transfer, post office remittance or cash.

Banque Cantonale de Genève
Quai de l’lle 17
Case postale 2251, 1211 Genève 2

Account no. 5011.25.60
IBAN: CH44 0078 8000 0501 1256 0

Clearing no. 788
In favour of: Chinese Institute Geneva Foundation

Commune Vernier Commnue Lancy


Categories: Admin