Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Student Name *FirstLastGrade Valeur sélectionnée : 0 BirthdayAbsence Valeur sélectionnée : 0 Teacher name *FirstLastCourse times Valeur sélectionnée : 0 Class codeThis report shows the issues and progress of student within the level program.NA: Does not apply yet 1: Needs development 2: Beginning to show growh 3: Progressing steadily 4: Demonstrates proficiencyListenning and speaking NA1234 Responds to oral directionsNAResponds to oral directions NA1Responds to oral directions 12Responds to oral directions 23Responds to oral directions 34Responds to oral directions 4Know questions/answers/explanations/argumentsNAKnow questions/answers/explanations/arguments NA1Know questions/answers/explanations/arguments 12Know questions/answers/explanations/arguments 23Know questions/answers/explanations/arguments 34Know questions/answers/explanations/arguments 4Use the vocabulary appropriateNAUse the vocabulary appropriate NA1Use the vocabulary appropriate 12Use the vocabulary appropriate 23Use the vocabulary appropriate 34Use the vocabulary appropriate 4Speaks clearly and confidentlyNASpeaks clearly and confidently NA1Speaks clearly and confidently 12Speaks clearly and confidently 23Speaks clearly and confidently 34Speaks clearly and confidently 4 Reading NA1234 Reads with confidence/fluency and with expressionsNAReads with confidence/fluency and with expressions NA1Reads with confidence/fluency and with expressions 12Reads with confidence/fluency and with expressions 23Reads with confidence/fluency and with expressions 34Reads with confidence/fluency and with expressions 4Answer questions with or without textNAAnswer questions with or without text NA1Answer questions with or without text 12Answer questions with or without text 23Answer questions with or without text 34Answer questions with or without text 4Understand what he/she readsNAUnderstand what he/she reads NA1Understand what he/she reads 12Understand what he/she reads 23Understand what he/she reads 34Understand what he/she reads 4Reads for pleasureNAReads for pleasure NA1Reads for pleasure 12Reads for pleasure 23Reads for pleasure 34Reads for pleasure 4 Writing NA1234 Writes legiblyNAWrites legibly NA1Writes legibly 12Writes legibly 23Writes legibly 34Writes legibly 4Electronic writingNAElectronic writing NA1Electronic writing 12Electronic writing 23Electronic writing 34Electronic writing 4 Date reportSignature of the director Clear Signature Signature of the teacher Clear Signature CAPTCHA personnalisé * = Send