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CIG participated in the Fifth World Chinese Language Education Conference

CIG participated in the Fifth World Chinese Language Education Conference

The Fifth World Chinese Language Education Conference, jointly organized by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council and the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, was successfully held in Beijing from December 19 to 20. The conference, themed “Promoting the High-Quality Development of Chinese Language Education and Facilitating Mutual Learning between Chinese and Foreign Civilizations,” attracted approximately 600 representatives from nearly 70 countries and regions worldwide. They gathered to collectively explore the future direction of overseas Chinese language education.

Once again, CIG was invited to participate in this grand event. CIG board member YANG Jun actively participated in various agendas during the conference. After the conference concluded, she immediately engaged in discussions with leaders from the Beijing Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese schools, exploring future cooperation and development prospects.

The conference emphasized that overseas Chinese have always focused on education and the inheritance of ethnic culture. The over 60 million overseas Chinese serve as a bridge and link between China and the world, playing a crucial role in inheriting and promoting the outstanding traditional Chinese culture and facilitating mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations. During the closing ceremony, SHI Taifeng, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Minister of the United Front Work Department, met with the attending representatives, expressing high recognition and support for the work of overseas Chinese language education.

The conference achieved consensus, establishing new benchmarks for the transformation and development of Chinese language education. It further strengthened the cultural confidence of overseas Chinese language education workers, grounding them in the rich history of over 5,000 years of Chinese civilization. Leveraging the vibrant practices of China’s development, the conference comprehensively elaborated on China’s views on civilization, development, and the world. It presented a real, multi-dimensional, and comprehensive picture of China to people worldwide, promoting mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations, enhancing understanding among people, and advancing the construction of a community with a shared future for humanity.

The conference further consolidated consensus on realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, instilling confidence in promoting mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations. It brought together strong domestic and international forces, clarifying the train of thought for the high-quality development of overseas Chinese language education in the new era. Representatives expressed their commitment to advancing the “standardization, regularization, professionalization, and informatization” construction of Chinese language education under the guidance of the conference.

The new era brings new opportunities, and CIG will take the successful convening of this conference as an opportunity to continuously reform and innovate. With a fuller spirit, higher morale, and a more open mindset, CIG aims to open a new chapter in Chinese language education work in the new era.

Categories: Event, News

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