中国文化的魅力 : 从汉字到文学

From 16 to 26 April 2018, the United Nations Geneva office hosts an exhibition of Chinese Language and Culture at Palais des Nations. The event seeks to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity, and to promote equal use of all 6 official languages throughout the organization. The theme for this year is “Charm of Chinese Culture: from Characters to Literature”. The opening was held on Monday, 16 April, where speeches were given by Mr. Michael Møller, the Director-General of UN Geneva, and Mr. Jianhua Yu, China’s Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland.

Our school Chinese Institute Geneva Foundation (CIG) attended the opening with a group of 60 Swiss local high school students and adults. Our students actively participated in the lectures presented by Prof. Zhuoyue Huang (Director of Sinology Institute of Beijing Language and Culture University, China), Prof. Harrison von Senger (famous Swiss Sinologist from Zurich) and Mrs. Marine Jibladez (Director of Georgian Sinologists Association). Our student, Francesco Finn, also accepted the interviews by CRI Online and other media. Francesco has been learning Chinese at CIG for 2.5 years. 

The opening provided not only an exhibition of Chinese characters and a selection of translation works of contemporary Chinese literature, but also calligraphy show, Chinese food and souvenir T-shirts. For the guests, the Chinese Language Day event is a feast for the eyes and taste buds.


Good evening,
Regarding the ceremony at the UN on Monday, we had the possibility to get to know more about Chinese culture and artwork which I am very interested in. Furthermore, having workshop was making it even better because we had the opportunity to see how it was done. Plus, the speech was also about interacting with the public, which made more lively, and seeing a foreigner speaking very fluently Chinese was impressive and made me want to put even more efforts in my learning. 

Have a nice week. 
Raphaëlle Houtekier 15 years old


Dear Mrs Schubert and Ms Jun Chu,

Thank you for inviting us to participate in this programme. I have been to China many times so I have a good understanding of the culture of china. However, I was surprised and delighted that the Chinese culture has spread all around the world and foreigners accept and take it very seriously. We were able to chat with the Chinese Ambassador and a professor from the Beijing language and culture university which was a great honour and they were very contented when we tried to communicate with them using Chinese.  I feel that programmes like this are very enriching and are able to help others better understand the Chinese Culture. Once again, thank you for allowing us to attend this programme!

Yours sincerely,

Jason Zheng

​  14 years old


I enjoyed it, as it was very helpful to learn and understand the Chinese culture as before, I knew almost nothing about it. It was also very nice to speak to various Chinese speakers, which helped me practise my Chinese. I highly recommend it.

Noam Fisher  16 years old


The Chinese exposition was an amazing experience. I loved it! They interviewed me in Chinese, they made me read Chinese characters I knew, and I ate amazing dumplings! It was really cool to meet the Chinese ambassador. It was truly a wonderful experience!

Francesco Finn  14 years old


Hello! Very nice and interesting conference! The exhibition is Professional and event is well organized. No mention to say delicious Chinese food. I like the atmosphere to talk with friendly Chinese people.

Valeria Repetto  22 years old


日内瓦大学国际关系专业学生雅拉(Yara Solenthaler)曾以“中国代表”的身份在模拟亚欧论坛上舌战各国青年领袖。雅拉在展览上表示:“学习汉语和汉字让我非常着迷,也学到了不一样的文化和智慧。希望今后可以每年参加中文日活动”


年逾八十的孔院学生雅客(Jacques Guillemot)热爱中国语言和文化,他自2015年起就坚持在孔院学习汉语,雅客特别喜欢中国的古诗词,关注当代中国的建设和发展,还坚持订阅《人民画报》。此次”中文日”的汉字展览让雅客感到大开眼界,对汉字的美惊叹不已。他非常喜欢中国的古诗词,看完展览他觉得古诗的美只有懂汉字的人才能感受到。

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